Monday, September 30, 2019

Examples of US Federal Government Authority Expansion Essay

If you were to ask one hundred Americans what caused the civil war I think ninety five out of that one hundred would say slavery. The Civil War was about the rights of states. They felt they had the right to secede from the Union. This was primarily due to the states feeling there rights were being taken away. This feeling was similar to how the colonies felt. We do remember that resulted in the Revolutionary War. The south was being force to purchase products produced in the north. Those products were more expensive. The southern states felt they were losing political power. Examples of U. S. Federal Government Authority Expansion Congress was authorized in 1865 to eliminate slavery. They did so by creating the Thirteenth Amendment. President Abraham Lincoln had already presented the Proclamation to stop slavery as an executive order. The Thirteenth Amendment made that Proclamation the law of the land. The Political Structure showed the second part of the Proclamation granted Congress the power to enforce through legislation what is considered the most important part. It gave them the ability to take further action against the Ten Confederate States. This would also give the government a way to introduce and pass further Proclamations in regards to the rights of slaves. Social structures showed that full civil rights were still a long way off. The law and public opinion are not always in alignment. While by law freed slaves and their descendants were citizens and had the same rights as whites, there were still treated differently. Segregation became institutionalized, under â€Å"Jim Crow† laws. The rise of the Ku Klux Klan in the early 20th century brought violence against African Americans. They used force to get the change they wanted. Separate but Equal† was the norm until the civil right movement. Economic structures naturally changed. Without slave labor, the way agricultural business ran had to be changed, and profit margins sank until the market compensated. Wages were poor, but African Americans were free to set up their own businesses, and to travel to other regions to find work. The Eighteenth Amendment written in 1919 prohibited the manufacturing, importing, and exporting of alcoholic beverages. This is only one example of how the Federal governed started using the power to restrict trade goods in the U. S.  To do so many offices had to be created. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) assures the quality of food and pharmaceuticals, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) works to insure clean air and waters by restricting the use of toxic material in manufacturing processes, and the Drug Enforcement Agency restricts trafficking of illegal narcotics. The Eighteenth Amendment was later changed to the Twenty Fifth Amendment. Social structures changed, people found ways to work around the law. With the demand for liquor continuing to increase the black market started. Moonshiners and big Mobster Bosses reated organized crime. The moonshiners manufactured the liquor and the Mobster Bosses bought the liquor. The Mobsters then provided places where people could gather to consume the illegal alcohol. Prohibition was in full speed. The economic structures, showed two things that happened. First, breweries and distilleries either went out of business or shifted into something else. Second, an underground economy sprang into existence, flowing through the black market liquor business. The Twentieth and Twenty-Fifth Amendments each changed the terms of presidential succession. They changed such things as the date and time a newly elected President takes office. The Twentieth Amendment gives the House of Representatives the power to select the President in the event of death, when no line of succession is clear. It also grants the Senate the power to appoint the Vice President under the same circumstances. The Twenty-Fifth Amendment provides Congress with the power to decide to permanently remove the President from office, should he become disabled and unable to perform his duties, and declare the Vice President to be not just the acting President pro tempore but officially the President. The political ramifications of this are not so much applicable to overall Federal power, but to the power of separate political parties. If the President is the minority party, and the House majority is controlled by the opposing party, this could grant that party a great deal of power contrary to the will of the voters. The impact on social and economic structures remains largely hypothetical. It would depend on the party makeup of Congress, the issues at stake, and how the American people and America’s allies and enemies felt about the situation. Legislation that would have been vetoed gets passed, and vice-versa.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hiroshima- John Hersey Essay Essay

‘Hiroshima is not merely a documentary, Hersey manages to inject into the narrative both compassion and awareness of the ultimate triumph of humanity. ’ Discuss Hiroshima from this perspective. Hiroshima is an historic depiction of a disaster that shocked the world. Utilizing the experiences of six Japanese atomic bomb survivors Hersey expresses compassion and awareness of the city’s triumph over the disaster. The narrative creates compassion by showing perseverance of common people and their journeys to overcome the tragedy. By using the patriotism of the dying victims Hersey creates empathy and outlines the nation’s indefatigable pride, He depicts Hiroshima’s triumph as a community uniting together to help each other in a time of adversity. The narrative focuses on six bomb survivors and their accounts during and after the bomb. Using the accounts of the survivors’ Hersey is able to extract compassion to the reader. Mrs Hatsuyo Nakamura was a widowed mother of three who suffered great poverty after the bomb; she was left torn and fragile. Suffering from radiation sickness and no means of income, Mrs Nakamura never loses hope. In an attempt to overcome her obstacles she worked countless jobs but barely earned enough to suffice. Regardless of how hard the task was physically and emotionally Mrs N was willing to do and sacrifice anything for the good of her children She earned barely enough for food†¦ Her belly began to swell up, and she had diarrhoea and so much pain she could no longer work at all†¦ The doctor treated Nakamura-san†¦to pay the doctor she was forced to sell her last valuable possession, her husband’s sewing machine. (p119, 120). And after all the hardship she was finally able to rebuild her life slowly: She felt at home in her body now; she rested when she needed, and she had no worries about the cost of medical care†¦It was time for her to enjoy life. (p128). Using her experiences Hersey is able to construct an emotional bond between the reader and Mrs Nakumura by retelling the hard and miserable journey she took just to stay alive and her triumph over her sickness and poverty. Mrs Nakumara was just one of the six stories Hersey used to convey compassion to the readers of Hiroshima. Hersey’s presentation of patriotism among dying bomb victims creates a sympathetic bond to the reader for their triumph over the devastation. After the attack on Hiroshima the survivors refused to die in vain in spite of what tragedy had hit their city. Even in the face of death, the survivors were rejoicing their heritage, dedicating their last breaths of life to their motherland and were determined keep their morale even after the devastation. One of the girls begun to sing Kimi Ga Yo, the national anthem, and others followed in chorus and died. (p 116). As a reader it was hard to comprehend the significance of honour these people felt for their country. After the bomb, they were suffering from poverty and tragedy, yet by hearing the emperors’ voice on broadcast they were touched and gratified: †¦ the Emperor, they cried with full tears in their eyes. ‘What a wonderful blessing it is that Tenno himself call on us and we can hear his own voice in person. We are thoroughly satisfied in such a great sacrifice †¦Japan started her new way. † (p 85) Hersey uses the patriotism of the survivors as an example of a triumph of humanity. The survivors were too proud to let the enemy take their last shred of hope their national dignity, opting to die with honour and pride. In addition to compassion, Hiroshima also raised awareness of the city’s triumph of humanity. A new sense of community and unification was present at the time of crisis; the atomic bomb left Hiroshima demolished. Hersey painted a dark and disastrous image, yet as a result, contrasted and portrayed the high points of humanity. Father Kleinsorge, a priest of the Society of Jesus, felt that he was an outsider prior to the bomb, yet after the bomb he was filled with gratitude for the cities new found acceptance: †¦ she came to him and said†¦ † These are tea leaves. Chew them, young man, and you won’t feel thirsty. † The woman’s gentleness made Father Kleinsorge suddenly want to cry. For weeks, he had been feeling oppressed by the hatred of foreigners†¦ (p 70). The enemies’ intention to tear the city apart emotionally and physically backfired as it left the city stronger and united. One feeling they did seem to share†¦ was a curious kind of elated community spirit†¦ pride in the way they and their fellow-survivors had stood up to a dreadful ordeal(p114). Hiroshima raised awareness of the Japanese people’s indestructible spirit even when their city lay in ruins they would not be defeated and stayed strong. John Hersey’s Hiroshima gives a simple insight into one of the most devastating tragedy which creates compassion and awareness of Japans’ ultimate triumph of humanity. Hersey was able to use the perseverance of everyday people battling the effects of the atomic bomb to create compassion. In addition to this, he was able to express the importance of national-pride felt by victims who displayed patriotism, who were prepared to die for their honour. Hersey raised awareness of how Japanese civilians were able to unite and overcome the bombs aftermath. Hiroshima is not simply a monotonous documentation of the atomic bombs effects on a city, but a representation of empathy and compassion that notifies people of Japans triumph over adversity.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Personal Opinion on Barack Obama Being the Best President in American History

A Personal Opinion on Barack Obama Being the Best President in American History When I was in first grade, Barack Obama was elected as the 44th President of the United States. The week leading up to his Inauguration, my parents were unusually excited. As my mom was brushing my hair, I remember asking â€Å"What’s the big deal?†. My mother’s response was â€Å"We are witnessing history†. Not only was he an inspiration, but to me, he was the greatest President in American History. To start with the obvious, President Obama was the first black president in American History. At the time my fellow classmates didn’t realize the scale of this movement, but looking back at our countrys history, this was a big move. Even though it seems like a long time ago, the Civil Rights Movement was less than 50 years ago. This country was built on slave labor. Flash Forward to his presidency, and out of 80 policy positions requiring Senate confirmation, President Obama appointed more than women and minorities in 53.5%, compared with 25.6 percent during George W. Bush’s presidency. (Eilperin 5) Frankly, I’m surprised most people forget that it was during President Obama’s Presidency that the mastermind behind 9/11, Osama Bin Laden, was captured and killed. That reason alone should move him to the top of our greatest presidents list. 9/11 was the single worst terrorist attack in American history, and changed the politics and policies of our nation for years to come. On June 27th, 2015, America woke up to the news that same-sex marriage was legalized. This stopped 14 states where it was illegal to marry the same sex from enforcing their discriminatory laws on the LGBT+ community. In a press conference, President Obama’s response to the ruling was something that stuck with me for the next two years. â€Å"When all Americans are treated as equal, we are all more free† (BBC 6). These words should apply everywhere in our country, because our diversity is what truly makes America great. Though it was controversial, President Obama attempted to create nationwide healthcare for America, under the Affordable Care Act. It was opposed because it created too many costs on business, with many describing it as a job killer. However, studies show jobs in the healthcare sector rose by 9%. (BBC 8) No matter the cost, people deserve healthcare. Even though it was a flawed system, the fact that he attempted to create nationwide healthcare was a big step in the right direction. No person is perfect, including our president. You can have the best intentions and still making the wrong decision, but the real test is what you do to correct yourself. Admitting you’ve made a mistake is something to respect in any person, especially a president. Future Presidents should admire President Obama not only for this, but for keeping a calm and level head when faced with discrimination. When President Obama was elected, he was threatened to be hung, people burned effigies of him, and tried to convince the country he wasn’t a true legal citizen. (Dionne 1) It may be the President’s job to act calm and serious, but as a human being, keeping patience during this is extremely difficult. President Barack Obama, the first black president, led the way for progressive ideas. He took down the mastermind behind 9/11, and created nationwide healthcare. Not only this, but President Obama led the way for other minorities to take places in office. Soon, maybe we’ll have our first Hispanic, or even Muslim President! But for now I, along with the rest of America, will look back fondly and with respect to his presidency.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Psychiatrict-negligence in Tort Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Psychiatrict-negligence in Tort Law - Essay Example The following research examines liability and the probable outcomes. The modern tort of negligence as observed in numerous cases requires the existence of a care duty that the claimant owes the defendant, violation of duty and considerable injury or sabotage, which emanates from that violation.2 Every previously mentioned aspect of the case in the given case is subject to assessment and establishment in every claim against the defendant, for any suit against the defendant to yield positively. Foremost, it is essential to delineate the range of the members that owe a duty of care. Negligence essentially deals with paying damages to victims of an accident, resulting from other parties’ carelessness. If a duty of care is indistinct in the given case, then the tort of negligence is not necessary from that point when analyzing that situation. In this study, determining who owes the other a duty of care as the fire incident occurred is immensely dependent on Lord Atkins’s nei ghbor principle that prescribes a framework for analyzing the validity of duty of care. Negligent liability of psychological harm thus depends on a test called the neighbor principle.3 The foremost action by the court when determining liability for payment of damages a conduction of the neighbour test. The court further enquires whether there existed core policy considerations that dictated that not duty of care and eventual liability for damages should exist. Moreover, the prescribed requirements before imposition of a duty of care include the foreseeability of the damage, a proximal linkage between the involved parties; both criteria should be under justifiable and reasonable circumstances.4 However, that criterion is not essentially necessary. The aspect of foreseeability refers to what a reasonable person would have predicted in the imminent circumstances and is ubiquitous in the offense of negligence. It is founded on the Atkins’s neighbor rule, but can pose as a test th e remoteness of damage and violation of rightful duty where the loss ought has to be foreseeable as a probability.5 Proximity refers to the legal rather than physical proximity and is relevant considering whether the involved persons and parties are neighbors in the law, such as Eric and the Dwain’s knitting needle factory. Though this test has a shallow framework, other factors that enhance the determination of liability for negligence tort include damage types of economic loss, personal injury, property sabotage and psychological damage, which is relevant to our case of study. Other considerations are whether the damage was through omission, was through a third party and if the defendants are under a special law classification. In the light of this accident, Eric suffered physical injury from the flames, fumes and the hassle of saving the trapped people in the burning factory. Eric is thus, a primary victim. Dwain as a defendant in this scenario is a neighbor to Eric and th erefore owes Eric a duty of care. It is Eric’s legal right to live in a stress free life, and his neighbor, the knitting needle factory is liable to compensate him for any harm he experiences,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Annotated Bibliography and Source Evaluations Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

And Source Evaluations - Annotated Bibliography Example The article is composed in a manner that represents behavior towards animal drug testing in developed world whereas it is silent on the topic of attitudes about the target practice in developing parts of the globe. The web-post made by Anthis, N on 10, October, 2006 stated that recent research on the topic of animal testing in medical field found that England based medical professionals are in favor of the practice as they recognize its importance in terms of making significant past developments possible. The notable number of participants of the study supported the practice while 96% of them considered the notion ethical and 65% of the respondents held the idea of safety dear. But they supported animal testing at the end. However 93% of the general practitioners who are interviewed offered a cautionary note which said that results of animal testing may mislead practitioners when working with humans. Yet in majority of the cases humans and animals have been known to experience similar symptoms when catch a same disease such as fever and therefore animal testing is recommended. The research paper written by Zurlo, Rudacille and Goldberg stated that laws governing animal rights have been passed in deverloped economies of the world such as England, Germany and Netherlands. The practitioners have been therefore suggested to keep their practices in line with the current legal system because failure to do so may result in imprisonment and cancellation of licensing as well. The developed nations are looking to develop alternative techniques for drug testing but the research in this field is currently at preliminary stages. However it promises a lot and have the tendency to change the present outlook of medical practice in the near future. The target audience of this document are professionals who are working to develop new testing techniques while the purpose of the

Art Apprecition IP Week One Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Art Apprecition IP Week One - Essay Example There are far too many mediums, concepts, genres, intentions, perceptions, and possible presentations that assigning a simple verbal definition would, in fact, be a disservice. Like beauty, is not art in the eye of the beholder? More so, does assigning any absolute definition not limit the potential of what â€Å"art† can be? Art is something being ever â€Å"re-defined,† and therefore often defies definition. Ultimately, it may be impossible to ever truly construct a definition of art that could truly and wholly satisfy what it is intended to encompass. The definition of art is one of the greatest controversial subjects in modern contemporary philosophy. (Adajian,2012) We all have our own internal understandings of what strikes us as art. We know as individuals what elicits an emotional response, what triggers your thoughts and what captured moment on canvas or print that lures ones imagination. Art is many things; it is timeless and everlasting element of the human ex perience that allows us to express ourselves in fascinating, unique, and different ways. It has been said that art is the truest freedom of expression, that said then it should be free of the boundaries and limitations of simplistic definitions. Perhaps the reason that art cannot be well defined by words alone is because it is not just a word; it is feeling, thought, and life experiences. Part 2-Examples of Art†¦ Wassily Kandinsky was a respected abstract painter. This piece, â€Å"Autumn in Bavaria,† completed in 1908, oil on cardboard, is one of the few paintings that are far less abstract than the majority of his work. This piece is striking in its use color to imply the very lovely and familiar image of a lushly landscaped European country road. It has the brighter colors of spring and warm weather. This is a beautiful and breathtaking sculpture titled, â€Å"Expansion,† by Paige Bradley, is the visage of a woman in a relaxed, peaceful, and meditative pose. Un ique lighting effects were employed to create the illusion that the woman’s inner being, spirit, soul, energy is bursting free of its limitations, starting with its flesh. It is hard not be pulled into the image, because it is so serene and implies by the calmness of the figure that this metamorphosis from physical to light is not frightening or painful, but desirable and necessary. Do we not all wish we could escape our physical limitations and move beyond what we are today? This piece personifies that very human longing. This is astounding house is built to set above this incredible flowing waterfall is titled â€Å"Fallingwater† It is a beautiful image and a stunning view. It, also, is a fantastic testament to the potential for humanity to build their homes in collaboration with nature, while still being visually appealing, and far less damaging to the environment. Architecture can be very dry and underappreciated at times; however, this piece is an example of how t he building of a house is not just a matter of construction and utility, but of unique beauty and artistic value. There were a multitude of amazing scenic photographs in collection of Ansel Adam’s. This piece is truly breathtaking and encompasses the majestic and awesome vastness and beauty of some of the natural environments around us. The use of light and shadow makes the mountain rage and river characters with personality, like characters in a story being told. So often nature is the background, in Adam’

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sexual harrasment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Sexual harrasment - Essay Example ke visual, verbal or physical; which can be of sexual nature and as a result are referred to be sexual harassment when the behavior is not welcome and if it’s pervasive or severe. More examples of sexual discrimination conducts: Written or verbal: comments on personal behavior, clothing or person’s body sex-based or sexual jokes, repeatedly asking an individual out or request of sexual favors, sexual innuendoes, rumors concerning an individual’s sexual or personal life and threaten any person sexually. Non-sexual conduct can as well be sexual harassment when harassed when you are female rather than male and vice-versa (MacKinnon and Catherine, 1979). For instance, it is sexual harassment when a woman working as a carpenter on an all-male job; and you become the only one whereby tools are normally hidden by their male co-workers. A single unintended request for date or one making suggestive comment might offend a person may or may not be taken as sexual harassment. But several associated minor separate incidents may add up into sexual harassment, especially when the incidents influence your working conditions (William, Petrocelli and Repa, 1998). Some of the questions which an individual can ask himself to determine on whether a certain conduct is pervasive are: For how long has the harassment been taking place? How many times did occurrences take place? How many other individuals were sexually harassed? Harassments can range from distracting or annoying comments to acts of threats, intimidation or demands involving sexual conduct. Majority of people would be in agreement that any employee whom the supervisor conducts sexual needs accompanied by job associated threats is in a troubling or serious condition (MacKinnon and Catherine, 1979). This is particularly where there are fewer jobs and when the employee has got few job skills. Even though, less blatant kinds of sexual harassment can have serious impacts of jeopardizing employee’s gain or career

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Accounting & Finance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Accounting & Finance - Research Paper Example Question 2 The following is a list of the assets and liabilities of a firm at a particular date. Â £ Premises owned by the firm 20,000 Money owed by the firm to its creditors 3,000 Stock owned by the firm 8,500 Loan received by the firm from a bank 100 The firm's capital at that date is: A. Â £25,400 B. Â £25,600 C. Â £31,400 D. Â £31,600 ... Lists all of the entries in its double-entry accounting records. Is a list of all of the balances brought down in its double-entry accounting records. Question 9 If a sole trader's capital at the beginning of a year was 100,000 and his net profit for the year was 20,000, his capital at the end of the year...... Question 9 answers Cannot be determined from the information given. was 80,000 Was 100,000 Was 120,000 Question 10 A balance sheet is....... Question 10 answers A ledger account, proving that the accounting records 'balance'. A statement showing the market value of firm. A listing, in a particular format, of the balances brought down remaining in the double-entry accounts after the profit and loss account has been prepared. A statement showing the market value of assets and liabilites. Question 11 The following information relates to a sole trader. Total of all assets at 1 June 2,300 Total of all liabilities at 1 June 2,500 Net profit earned during June 1,000 Drawings during June 700 Capital introduced during June 5,000 The sole trader's capital at 30 June was: Question 11 answers 5,100 5,300 5,500 5,600 Question 12 The correct heading for the balance sheet of J. Burton at the end of December 2006 is 'Balance sheet of J. Burton........ Question 12 answers for the period ended 31 December 2006 for the year ended 31 December 2006 as at 31 December 2006 as at 31 December 2005 Question 13 Which

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Impact of Tourism to Boracay Island Development Case Study

Impact of Tourism to Boracay Island Development - Case Study Example The question now lies on whether the advantages or the benefits afforded by tourism growth in Boracay outweigh the negative effects of having too many people on the island without adequate control measures. This paper will look into the social, economic, and environmental effects of tourism growth to the Boracay Island and its people. It will also deal with the Boracay preservation efforts by both private and government groups, and the applicable laws on environmental protection as implemented by Philippine government agencies. Social, Economic and Environmental Effects of Tourism on Boracay Island Tourism development in Boracay has generated both positive and negative effects on its environment, lifestyle, and people. The most obvious effect is the income generated not only by the island, but by the Philippines as a whole from the influx of foreign tourists and investments. The beauty of the island serves as the lighter or the positive side to the perceptions of other countries towards the Philippines. There are however adverse affects associated with tourism development in Boracay. In the social realm, the social experiences of the local people have changed in that they are now more exposed to frequent external visitors, both foreign and domestic. Their lifestyles including their social activities and livelihood have changed due to the modification of their environment from a sleepy rural town to a lively urbanized tourist destination. Conflicts are created within communities due to land being valuable. Property rights and land titles are being debated upon. There was clearly a lack of zoning or guidelines. Neighbors argue over their property limits. The poor become... Impact of Tourism to Boracay Island Development The island was placed under the management control of the Philippine Tourism Authority and land titles were forbidden. Active planning which was commenced in 1982 by the Philippine Tourism Authority utilized the services of a private company who developed a land use plan. This plan was called the Helberg plan which involved the establishment of control measures such as the 50 meter beach setback, use of native building materials, and height limitations (Trousdale, 1998). The Helberg plan up to this day was never implemented. This is just the beginning of the height of tourist or visitor traffic to the island. The succeeding years saw reorganizations, planning, forming of new regulations, implementations, and still a growing number of people visiting and settling in Boracay. The beauty of Boracay, its serenity, its culture, and its people need to be protected from environmental and health hazards because the island does not only generate revenue for both private individuals or companies and the Philippine government, but it provides a tranquil getaway and it is a source of pride for the Filipinos. Sustainable development is the key to preserving Boracay Island so it can be enjoyed and appreciated by future generations. No matter how big the revenue a resort or hotel owner gets, and how big the earnings of the government are, if Boracay becomes a health hazard and a major environmental concern, then businesses will collapse and the revenues earned will be useless.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

John Brown Essay Example for Free

John Brown Essay John Brown was from Connecticut, born in strict religious family in 1800. At 12, after seeing a slave being brutally beaten, swore to never forget that day. In the mid 1800’s he decided to campaign against slavery in Kansas and Nebraska, so did the pro-slavery who campaigned for the continuation of slavery. With the murder of six anti-slaverists and that slave who was beaten many years ago, he decided that: â€Å"In order to end slavery, violence must be applied† (John Brown). In 1956, at the town of Lawrence, Pro slavery members destroyed the anti slavery head quarters and killed 6 of its members. John Brown observed the violence that erupted at Lawrence town. John Brown was set on revenge and on May 24th he and 6 of his followers pulled 5 men from the Pro slavery camps at Pottawatomie Creek and killed them. To avoid charges, John Brown went to New England to charge and raised money for 2  ½ years in order to purchase weapons. He was financially supplied by a secret group of six wealthy men who supported his ideas. In October 16, 1859, John Brown and 21 followers decided to take the weapons of the military arsenal in Harpers Ferry. John Brown hoped that giving the slaves weapons, they would revolt against slavery but they didn’t show up in the battle. John Brown was intercepted by the US. Marines led by Robert E. Lee. The Marines were victorious and John Brown was captured. He faced charges in Virginia and he was hanged. The execution of John Brown led the nation to divide itself into two polars, one believed that all men are born free and another who believed that Black people should be slaves. Some say that John Brown was martyr and others say that he was a terrorist and his efforts were in vain. John was a martyr who fought and died for his beliefs, and his sacrifice leaded to the abolition of slavery, so yes John Brown was a courageous abolitionist who died for a cause he believed in.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Study On The Khmer Rouge History Essay

A Study On The Khmer Rouge History Essay In Cambodia about 1.5 million people were killed in the mid 1970s. The Khmer Rouge were responsible for all the action that took place during that time. The Khmer Rouge believed in communism. They wanted everyone to be equal. The Khmer Rouge was led by Pol Pot and his brothers. The Khmer Rouge ruled Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. According to the Wikipedia article 1/5 of the countrys total population (estimates range from 850,000 to 2.5 million) under its regime, through execution, torture, starvation and forced labor (Wikipedia Khmer Rouge[1]). Also According to the same article, The leaders were mostly from middle class families and had been educated at French universities (Wikipedia Khmer Rouge[2]). The Khmer Rouges idea of communism was bad for the country of Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge relocated people, put all of the people in Cambodia to work as farmers in labor camp and changed the lifestyle of the country. The Khmer Rouge made the people work hard labor, killed a lot of people, and they brainwashed the country telling by them that communism was good for them. The Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia in 1975 and put all the people to work in hard labor and changed the way of life. Pol Pot led the Khmer Rouge. When they took over Cambodia they closed down everything and relocated people. For example in the Khmer Rouge article the author writes, New people driving them in all directions from the capital and other cities. It forcibly settled townspeople among the rural base peopleand put them in agricultural labor camps without wages, right, or free time (Khmer Rouge[3]). This shows that the Cambodians did not have any rights when the Khmer Rouge was ruling. This is important because the Khmer Rouge wanted everyone to work on farms and enslaved the people. The Khmer Rouge let many Cambodians die from starvations and the Khmer Rouge executed people. For example, in the article Khmer Rouge, it says, by the early 1979 approximately 650,000 people, or one quarter of the new Khmer died from execution, starvation overwork, disease, and denial of medical care (Khmer Rouge[4]). This shows that the Khmer Rouge had a lot of power and they could do anything to the people. This is important because the Khmer Rouge didnt care about the people. The Khmer Rouge wanted everyone to be poor and have no society. According to the Wikipedia article, The Khmer Rouge attempted to turn Cambodia into a classless society by depopulating cities and forcing the urban population into agricultural communes. The entire population was forced to become farmers in labor camp (Wikipedia Khmer Rouge[5]). This shows that everyone had to work in the farms and everyone have the same job. This is important because the Khmer Rouge wanted to have a low class society and everyone has to be the same as one another. Having a classless society was important to Pol Pot. He did not want people to become rich. He feared that people with money would be able to gain power. So, Pol Pot decided to abolish the currency system, which made it impossible to become rich. Furthermore, he took the land away from the people and did not allow anyone to own land. The people of Cambodia had nothing. While the people had nothing, the Khmer Rouge had power and they had full control of the country. They could force people to do things and they could change the lifestyle of Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge killed a lot of people. The Khmer Rouge killed those who were not pure Cambodian. For example in the Khmer Rouge article it says they killed ethic Vietnamese, ethnic Chinese, ethic Thai, Cambodian christens, Muslims, and Buddhist monks (Wikipedia Khmer Rouge[6]). This shows that the Khmer Rouge didnt want to have a mixed race Cambodians. This is important because the Khmer Rouge wanted one race pure Cambodians. This was similar to Hitler when he killed all the Jews. Pol Pot and his followers executed and tortured anyone who was not pure Cambodians. He shot them in the head, he cut off their arms, he tore their eyeballs out, and beheaded many non pure Cambodians. He did this because he believed that they were not worthy to be human beings. He devalued them and treated them worse than animals. Pol Pot and his followers were filled with hate and anger. The Khmer Rouge also killed educated people. For example, in the Khmer Rouge article it says they killed professional and intellectual in practice this included almost everyone with an education (Wikipedia Khmer Rouge[7]). This shows that the Khmer Rouge didnt want educated people around. This is important because they might form a group and tell everyone that communism is bad then everyone going to be against it. Pol Pot and his followers didnt want the people of Cambodia to be educated. They were afraid that if the people were educated, they would be harder to control. They didnt want the people of Cambodia to resist what they were doing. The Khmer Rouge believed that the best way to control the people is by keeping them uneducated and ignorant and to use force with anyone that showed resistance. The Khmer Rouge also killed people who were against communism and the Khmer Rouge didnt want capitalism in Cambodia. Pol Pot did not want a free market in his country. They wanted agriculture and farming as a way to bring the country of Cambodia to prominence. He did not want Cambodia to have any western influence. Because the previous government had affiliations with France, anyone with ties to the previous government were killed. For example in the same article it says they killed anyone with connections to the former government or with foreign governments (Wikipedia Khmer Rouge[8]). This shows that the Khmer Rouge didnt want to have any connection with other government. This is important because the Khmer Rouge want to have control of the country. Therefore while Khmer Rouge was in power they killed all non-pure Cambodians, forced people into agriculture, killed people with an education, took away land and they didnt want anyone the have connection with the government. The Khmer Rouge believed in communism. According to the definition in Wikipedia, communism is a socioeconomic structure and political ideology that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless society based on common ownership and control of the means of production and property in general (Wikipedia Communism[9]). This is important because the people of Cambodia believed that the Khmer Rouge would bring a classless society to the country. Furthermore, the people of Cambodia believed that every citizen in Cambodia would participate in the decisions making process in both political in economic spheres of life. However, the Khmer rouge had a different agenda. The Khmer Rouge was able to get the support of the Cambodian people based on the vision of a classless society that allows every Cambodian citizen to participate in the decisions making process both politically and economically. However, when the Khmer Rouge got into power, their actions were far from what the y promised for the people of Cambodia. They brainwashed the people and told them that communism is good for the country. Communism is people who want everyone in the country to be the same and equal. They want everyone to have the same job and same everything. The Khmer Rouge told the people everyone gets paid the same or they might not get paid at all, everyone have access to heath care, public assistance and everyone goes to the same school. The Khmer Rouge made it sound good for the people and the Cambodians thought they were going to have those things and all the benefit. But the Khmer Rouge didnt deliver the promise they made to the people. The Khmer Rouge separated families killed people, put them to work hard on the farms, and tortured people. Some people argued that it was beneficial to have the Khmer Rouge in control of the government and country of Cambodia. The Khmer Rouges leadership provided independence from France and loosened the control from other countries. The people of Cambodia believed that if they were independent from other countries they would have peace in their country and they will not have war. Furthermore, the supporters of the Khmer Rouge believe they could be a prosperous and financially independent country. Therefore, According to An Independent Cambodia article, They broke diplomatic and trade ties with virtually all countries and launched a program to achieve self sufficiency through rice production as the great kingdoms of Angkor had done(An independent Cambodia[10]). This is important because the Khmer Rouge wanted to bring independence and freedom to Cambodia. Therefore the Khmer Rouge wanted Cambodia to be independent from the other countries and they wanted the people of Cambodia to live fr ee healthy and prosperous lives. However, the Khmer Rouge brought pain and stress for the people of Cambodia. There were no benefits for having the Khmer Rouge in the country. They killed people, took away any rights, and they put the people to work as slaves. Although Cambodia had independence from other countries, the people of Cambodia continued to suffer. The people were forced to work on rice field up to 18 hours per day. The workers were rarely fed and were not paid any wages. Furthermore, many people were executed, tortured, and force to separate from love ones. The Khmer Rouge brought destruction, pain, and did not provide the freedom and prosperity it promised its citizens. The Khmer Rouges leadership and idea of Communism was bad for the country of Cambodia. It brought nothing but bad things to the country. The Khmer Rouge put people to work hard labor. Many people worked in the rice field. They worked like slaves and they didnt get paid. Furthermore, they didnt have any freedom; they did not have a choice. They were forced to work on rice fields against their will. If they didnt comply, they were executed, tortured, or beaten badly. The Khmer Rouge relocated people and separated families and forced them to work at different places. The Khmer Rouge killed a lot of people. The Khmer Rouge wanted all the Cambodian to be pure meaning that they didnt want to have mixed racist they only wanted everyone to be one race and they killed educated people. The Khmer Rouge brainwashed people saying that communism is good for the countries but that really didnt happen. Instead the Khmer Rouge put the Cambodians in labor camps and killing people. The Khmer Rouges rei gn in Cambodia was a horrific time period for many Cambodians. Wikipedia Khmer Rouge pg7 Wikipedia Khmer Rouge pg7 Khmer Rouge Khmer Rouge pg4 Wikipedia Khmer Rouge pg8 Wikipedia Khmer Rouge pg9 Wikipedia Khmer Rouge pg9 Wikipedia Khmer Rouge pg9 Wikipedia Communism pg1 An independent Cambodia pg4

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Why is Frankenstein such a popular text? Essay -- English Literature

Why is Frankenstein such a popular text? Frankenstein is a science fiction novel written by Mary Shelley during the time of the Romantic Movement. It has remained popular ever since it was first published and still sells well today, with many reprints of the book since the first edition. One of the main characters of the story and probably the most (in)famous, Frankenstein's monster, has become an icon of all that is monstrous and wrong. The story has been adapted and interpreted many times all in different ways, causing the monster and the stereotypical view of him to become intertextual. The most popular and well recognised representation of the monster and the one that most people would attempt to draw for you if you asked them what he looked like, is that of a huge green man with bolts coming out of the side of his neck and a flat, broad head. This was created for film by Boris Karloff as his interpretation of what the monster should look like. He would typically move very laboriously, with his arms outstretched as if chasing something. His speech is slow and primitive. This, however, is not the true Frankenstein's monster as described in the book, but one created for television and primarily the cinema, as the book centred more on the issues and moral conflicts when dealing with such a creature, whereas cinema and the media tend to concentrate more on the action and thrilling sides of the story. Various other representations of the monster, including characters in television films such as "The Adams Family" and "The Munsters", as well in comics such as "The Incredible Hulk" and "The Fantastic Four", have occurred throughout the twentieth century, causing the image of the "real" monster to becom... ...xtent of what the is doing as sees that the lengths he is willing to go to are not acceptable or justified at all. This culminates two stories, that of Frankenstein's adventure and Captain Walton's giving the reader an increased feeling of cathagy. In conclusion, the two reasons I believe to be why Frankenstein has remained such a popular text are: a. That the central theme of the story and the issues and situations the arise throughout it are becoming more and more relevant in everyday society so people can relate to the story and b. That it is the first true science fiction story ever and so has been promoted as such that it has grabbed everyone's attention. There are probably a number of stories quite similar and perhaps of even better quality than Mary Shelley's work but few people have heard of them and so they remain in Frankenstein's shadow.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Stone Temple Pilots :: essays research papers

Stone Temple Pilots Alright, so here is what I know about STP. The Stone Temple Pilots are a band that was formed in San Diego in 1988. Weiland hooked up with Robert Deleo at a show in California and then picked up Eric Kretz. and then after finally convincing Dean Deleo to come to California They were officially known as Mighty Joe Young. They recieved their first gig in 1990 in a place in L.A. After a couple of years they got a big show in L.A. They hired agent Don Muller and he told atlantic about Mighty Joe Young. After a while the band signed with Atlantic. Unfortunately during recording Mighty Joe Young was told that a singer had already taken the name Mighty Joe Young. After about a month the band came up with Stone Temple Pilots. Finally The band finished their album CORE in september 1992 and it went platinum. it was followed by a second release PURPLE two years later which also was a big hit and with the Herion addictions aside, Stone Temple Pilots is one of the best bandson the planet- or any planet..Early labels of Pearl Jam Wannabees or Nirvana soundalikes have long since disspated, and Weiland and the boys have created a wall of sound all their own..Sometimes an all outfrenzy of driving energy- (Sex Type Thing, Meatplow, Trippin on a Holein a Paper Heart), to the more subdued tracks of Creep, Pretty Penny, and Big Empty. The STP trademark sound can be best heard on Plush, and Interstate Love Song..Classic Rock and Roll for the new generation.. This band has it all- variety, talent, harmony, lyrics and a great overall concept for each album released.. It would be hard for me to say whichalbum is the "best" as each carries with it its own style andflavor. Core is STP's forray into "pop" culture carving out an immmediate presence in the "alternative" arena..Next, came Purple- although sales were not quite as impressive as their first, this album dives into new territory for the band..Best tracks include Insterstate Love Song, Vasoline, Big Empty, and Pretty Penny. Their newest- Tiny Music has almost an "80's feel to it with a more mellow, more raw sound. Big Bang Baby, Trippin on a Hole in a Paper Heart, and Lady Picture Show shine on this eclectic offering..What more can be said about the world's best band.. October 22 my friend Arash came over my house and showed me three tickes to Stone temple pilots concert at Irvine he asked me if I wanted to go ?

Graduation Speech: Is County High the Best School in America? :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Good evening students, faculty, staff, family, and friends. I was NOT surprised to see County High School missing from Newsweek's list of the Top 100 High Schools in America for 2012. The magazine based their ranking on Advanced Placement scores and Ivy League acceptances. In the accompanying article on high school life, the journalist attempted to find the real worth of a high school education. Certainly, the excruciatingly painful 3-hour-long tests cannot sum up an entire four years of experience as a high school student. Speaking from personal knowledge, I can tell you those tests are in no shape, manner, or form fun. The journalist posed a most interesting question regarding modern education, asking, "What happened to time for fun, football games, and memories of life in high school?" Surely if national rankings were based on the overall academic, athletic, and social experience of young adults, County High would find its name at the TOP of the list. In my mind, the perfect kind of high school experience takes place here at County High. Looking back on the past four years, I have done my fair share of complaining, but I wouldn't have wanted to complain about anything else with anyone else. We've pleaded with teachers and staff to let us into football games, basketball games, and school dances without our school ID's, simply because we didn't feel like carrying them. We've managed to sneak water bottles, milk shakes, and French fries out of the cafeteria, while also managing to get caught every now and then. We've argued that our pink and tan polos actually resemble shades of orange and white, and when it came to a senior class trip, we simply couldn't bear 180 more days without one. Over the past four years, I hope you have tried to find the best in every situation and look for the best in every person. To me, County High has been the greatest place to experience high school, and you, my classmates, my friends, my best friends, you have made the past four years enjoyable and survivable. I honestly couldn't have asked for a more intelligent, more talented, and more promising group of people to spend four entire years of my life with. Where else can you sign out of school early with 30 classmates simply to spend a sunny afternoon on the beach? Where else is there a basketball-player who refers to himself as "Big Mac" and a Prom Queen who answers to "Fatty McFat-Fat? Graduation Speech: Is County High the Best School in America? :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address Good evening students, faculty, staff, family, and friends. I was NOT surprised to see County High School missing from Newsweek's list of the Top 100 High Schools in America for 2012. The magazine based their ranking on Advanced Placement scores and Ivy League acceptances. In the accompanying article on high school life, the journalist attempted to find the real worth of a high school education. Certainly, the excruciatingly painful 3-hour-long tests cannot sum up an entire four years of experience as a high school student. Speaking from personal knowledge, I can tell you those tests are in no shape, manner, or form fun. The journalist posed a most interesting question regarding modern education, asking, "What happened to time for fun, football games, and memories of life in high school?" Surely if national rankings were based on the overall academic, athletic, and social experience of young adults, County High would find its name at the TOP of the list. In my mind, the perfect kind of high school experience takes place here at County High. Looking back on the past four years, I have done my fair share of complaining, but I wouldn't have wanted to complain about anything else with anyone else. We've pleaded with teachers and staff to let us into football games, basketball games, and school dances without our school ID's, simply because we didn't feel like carrying them. We've managed to sneak water bottles, milk shakes, and French fries out of the cafeteria, while also managing to get caught every now and then. We've argued that our pink and tan polos actually resemble shades of orange and white, and when it came to a senior class trip, we simply couldn't bear 180 more days without one. Over the past four years, I hope you have tried to find the best in every situation and look for the best in every person. To me, County High has been the greatest place to experience high school, and you, my classmates, my friends, my best friends, you have made the past four years enjoyable and survivable. I honestly couldn't have asked for a more intelligent, more talented, and more promising group of people to spend four entire years of my life with. Where else can you sign out of school early with 30 classmates simply to spend a sunny afternoon on the beach? Where else is there a basketball-player who refers to himself as "Big Mac" and a Prom Queen who answers to "Fatty McFat-Fat?

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Reading Is a Skill Essay

Reading is a necessary skill in your everyday life. We use it to discover new things; books, magazines and internet. It requires the ability to read and understand what is read. It is fundamental to function in today’s society. If you don’t read well no matter who you are, you have a hard time in life. Reading is a vital skill in finding a job. In order to have a job, you need to know how to read mainly English. Reading is important because it develops the mind. The mind is a muscle, it needs exercise. Reading is necessary for men and women of all ages and it is used in everyday life. Reading is fundamental to function in today’s society. Reading is used in everyday life; we read signs, instructions on a medicine bottle, and filling out applications. There are many adults who cannot read well enough to understand the instructions on a medicine bottle. Filling out applications becomes impossible without help. Reading road or warning signs is difficult. If you don’t know how to read you probably have a difficult life, you don’t understand things and becomes impossible without help. It’s a scary thought that a fully grown man or women does not know how to read. Reading is a day-to-day activity; you do it all day, even when you don’t realize it. Reading is a vital skill in finding a good job. All jobs require you to read, it doesn’t matter what field or occupation you’re in, you have to know how to read. Many well-paying jobs require reading as a part of job performance. There are reports and memos which must be read and responded to. Poor reading skills increase the amount of time it takes to absorb the information and do the work. A person is limited in what they can accomplish without good reading and comprehension skills. Reading is important because it develops the mind. The mind is a muscle. It needs exercise. As you read, the written words make the mind grow. Teaching young children to read helps them develop their language skills. It also helps them learn to listen and understand. Reading develops the imagination unlike TVs and computer games can. With reading, a person can go anywhere in the world†¦ or even out of it! They can be a king, queen, adventurer, anything! The possibilities are endless. Non-readers never experience these joys to the same extent, they have a harder life. All in all, I believe reading is an educational advancement. You need it to function in today’s society, it is a vital skill in finding a good job, and it develops the mind. It is a way to broaden our knowledge and spark new ideas. It is a necessary skill and we use it everyday at all times. I don’t read a lot, but I believe that if I read more I would be one of the best . Reading helps you understand things clearer and better. Reading is necessary and is used in everyday life; adolescents, teens, and seniors have and will be using reading until the world is over. It will advance more and someone one day will find a better way to advance the reading field, making everyone shine and understand it better!

Monday, September 16, 2019

Parents Magazine Analysis

For this rough draft, you are to post ONLY your statement about the target audience, NOT the complete paper. Follow the National Geographic example below for writing your thesis. This assignment is excellent for learning how to conduct good research. The Magazine Analysis (rev. 12/2009) ASSIGNMENT: To write an ANALYSIS of a currently published magazine. Through careful observation, form a SPECIFIC conclusion about the audience for which the magazine is intended. In addition to identifying the intended audience, state the major purpose of the magazine. After you have examined the magazine, form a thesis and write a 750-word essay based on your conclusions. Here is a sample thesis for National Geographic magazine: National Geographic, with a target market of 25 to 54- year- old college attendees and graduate males with a median household income of $98,900, promotes scientific and geographic knowledge and interest, with outstanding photography being its strongest selling point. (I found this information through research). Suggestions: Choose THREE CONSECUTIVE issues of a magazine published in the last year. †¢ Look at such things as the titles of the articles, the quality of the paper, the cartoons or illustrations, advertisements, issue cost, and letters to the editor. †¢ Are you familiar with any of the authors? †¢ Selectively read the articles, looking for consistent patterns of thought, ideas, or general outlook. †¢ Some of the purposes of a magazine can be to promote a political or moral purpose, to inform, t o sell products, and to entertain. Based on the above suggestions, form a conclusion about the audience and purpose for the magazine. †¢ Be sure you are not just listing the contents of the magazine, but that you are using the contents as the basis and PROOF for your claims about the targeted audience and purpose of the magazine. For example, if you tell me that 90% of the articles are about politics and contain mainly liberal views, your claim could be that the large majority of readers are left-wing liberals and the magazine’s purpose is to support/promote their views. Then you could say, â€Å"On page 22 there is an article supporting gun control, on page 34 there is an essay about legalizing marijuana, on page 45 there is an essay about†¦.. † Use the information to SUPPORT YOUR CLAIMS about the intended audience and the purpose of the magazine. Goals: †¢ To learn to use the periodical section of the library. †¢ To practice forming an essay from researching outside material. †¢ To draw conclusions from Primary sources. To make claims and SUPPORT your claims with valid, reliable information. †¢ To practice using MLA when citing information in-text and creating a Works Cited page. (You must use in-text citations and include a properly formatted Works Cited page. Include at least the three magazine issues you used for your paper on the Works Cited page. See Pocket Keys for Writers, the Gregg Reference Manual, or a grammar book for MLA rules).

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Reflecting reality in film documentaries Essay

The paradox of reality stems from the fact that it is a combination of abstract and concrete concepts. Abstract since different kinds of reality can be subjectively formed and understood. It cannot be quantified from a single perspective alone. In the meantime, reality is concrete since it is something that each and every individual must readily confront. Reality is part of mankind’s constant struggle. The puzzling complexity that embodies the notion of reality is even more felt on how it is depicted, presented or articulated in other forms. Literature exploits the power of words to explain reality, singers capitalize on music. But the task becomes even harder as for the case of film makers who are expected to utilize both visual and musical elements to represent reality. In film-making, it cannot be denied that the use of different technologies somehow affect how reality is shown. For every filmmaker, there is the challenge to make their works of art convincing—convincing, in the sense that a film seems to devoid of any technological mediation and corporeal interest—and at the same time retaining the subject matter in its pure and organic form. With this pursuit, the emergence of film documentaries came into life. Kibborn once noted that film documentaries aim to offer a â€Å"window of the world (p. 53). † This would not come as a surprise since films, whether they are created for commercial purposes are indeed reflections of a much wider world view. Some filmmakers have fared well, while some, unfortunately, failed. On the other hand, there are others, who have seen film documentaries as a tool to immortalize not only their works but also their names. The film industry owes it all to the Lumiere Brothers. This generation would not experience the beauty and artistry of films if not for these two. Since early film tools and equipments are not that sophisticated during that time, silent films tend to dominate the (big screen). However, what is even more amazing in this context is the manner in which the Lumiere Brothers have managed to present reality with pure visual images alone. Films do communicate and try to reach to their respective audiences. But then again, the absence of sounds seems to make the presentation a bit complicated and difficult. However, if one would stick to the principle in which reality is comprised of events that are experienced in everyday lives, situations that are commonly confronted by ordinary people, it can be fairly said that the Lumiere Brothers stand out. If one has to take a closer look at Arrival of a Train (Nichols 83), such event is commonly encountered. The camera focuses on the train and the people that arrive in the station. A close shot is chosen as if trying to tell every intricate sequence and details of the said event. Unaware and unscripted, the actors are seen in their most natural ways and manners. Such technique is also used in Nanook of the North by Robert Flaherty. However, Flaherty incorporated some texts. Perhaps it can be argued that the Flaherty wants to make the a more vivid and descriptive storytelling approach. There is the intention to relate to the audience what is actually happening rather than to interpret the stories on their own. There is a scene in the film wherein the boat is being covered with a piece of cloth before going down the river. In this case, a close shot was again used, in order to show how intricate the processes are. Yet, during the part wherein the actual trek is going on, a long shot was utilized, thus readily evoking a feeling that the group is on their journey. The characters looked small during that shot and the notion of space and distance were further highlighted. From documenting everyday routines to inserting texts in the film, documentaries are also flavored with the directors’ political perspective as for the case of Dziga Vertov. Hicks even described Vertov as the so-called â€Å"genie† of propaganda films primarily because of its strong Marxist beliefs and visions (8). Taylor described that Vertov depicted reality through the montage technique (74). In this manner, Vertov, since he is also into propaganda reflects life beyond what is â€Å"ordinarily seen,† but rather it is on â€Å"how it should be seen (Taylor 74). † In the film, Three Songs of Lenin, different scenes are patched together. There is the part wherein a group of marching men were shown and followed by a scene that focuses on three statues. Another group of marching people is presented but this time, women, with holding high powered guns are also shown, then it goes back to the three statues. Vertov, as a propagandist who wanted to tell the people what life should be seem to purport that equality between men and women must be readily observed. At the same time, the three statues that are constantly shown is reflective of an ideology or school of thought that must be readily followed and practiced. In the meantime, John Grierson is a film critic who is one of those who laid down the foundations of realism theories in films (Aitken 162). Elis and Mclane noted that Grierson readily influenced many film makers (73). He is also responsible for proliferating such film genre in â€Å"English-speaking nations (Ellis & Mclane 73). Grierson firmly believes that in order to depict reality properly, reality should be free from all forms of manipulation—that it should be captured in its raw form rather than mastered in artificial environments (Aitken 167). Works Cited Aitken, Ian. European Film Theory and Cinema: A Critical Introduction. Scotland: Edinburgh Press, 2001 Ellis, Jack and Betsy McLane. A New History of Film Documentary. London: Continuum International Publishing, 2005 Hicks, Jeremy. Dziga Vertov: Defining Documentary Film. London: I. B Tauris Publishers, 2007 Kibborn, Richard. Staging the Real: Factual TV Programming in the Age of Big Brother. Oxford, UK: Manchester University Press, 2003 Nichols, Bill. Introduction to Documentary. Bloomington:Indiana University Press, 2001 Taylor, Richard. Film Propaganda: Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany. London: I. B Tauris Publishers, 1998

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Importance of Benchmarking in Strategic Management

The Fortune's list of 100 best companies to work for is a source of prestige to companies that are nominated by their employees as the best companies to work for. The Container Store which is a Dallas-based retail store emerged number 32 in the recently released 2009 Fortune list. One department to reckon with at Container Store is the human resource management which earned the company a position in the Fortune 100 best companies to work for in America. But just what is Container Store's approach to human resource management?This paper seeks to answer this question and offers conclusions about the human resource management approach used by the company. Analysis Container Store makes use of a flexible human resource structure. Their rules on employees are simple and flexible and the concept of a rulebook or manual for employees is not their way of managing people (Laabs, 2001). The company is interested in people's ability to be straight forward and eager to counter different situatio ns with flexibility and creativity.Unlike in the traditional HR system, Container Store makes use of managers and supervisors to promote motivation and staff retention since they are more closer to the employees (Laabs, 2001). There is great interaction between employees and managers in order to create freedom of expression. Even the founders Kip and Garret still frequent the store to interact with employees and help them out (Container Store, 2009).The company's employee development philosophy focuses on employee's talents and not titles letting employees make the best use of their abilities to benefit themselves and the company. Container Store puts great value on employees describing them as the greatest assets in the organization. Motivation and an enthusiastic environment are the factors that give its employees the desire to stay with the company for years (Container Store, 2009). Career development and training ensure well qualified staff for the company which is very keen on customer care.For motivation, great benefits for their employees including exceptional training, job security and attractive pay package are provided. A 40% discount on the company's merchandise, 401(k) retirement benefits, medical and dental plans for employees both full-time and part-time provide even more benefits for the employees (Container Store, 2009). From the above analysis, we can conclude that the human resource management at Container Store is employee oriented. It allows flexibility and is democratic in nature.More so it values success and the management recognizes that the employees are key to achieving this. Container Store is also keen on its employee's welfare and health. This kind of management style brings in positive outcomes in a company since the employees will often feel as contributors to the business growth. According to the vice president of operations, Beth Barret, flexibility gives employees a chance to participate in company decision making (Laabs, 2001) .This gives a sense of responsibility and is better off than using autocratic kind of management system. Allowing employees to be flexible rather than follow a certain set of laws is a motivating factor and plays a big role in defining productivity of employees. Container Store's dedication to employee motivation is a good quality in the human resource management which is aimed at encouraging employee commitment to the company. Employee benefits are a good way of not only retaining employees but also motivation which promotes productivity. ConclusionFlexibility and staff involvement in the business activities are emphasized as the key contributors of Container Store's success. The qualities of the human resource management approach used by Container Store gives a justification for why the employees nominated it as the best company to work with. Word Count: 606 References Container Store (2009). Careers for Great People. Retrieved on April 27, 2009 from www. containerstore. com Laabs , J. K. (2001). Thinking Outside the Box at The Container Store – Human Resource Management Awards. Workforce, March Issue.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Kansas-Nebraska Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Kansas-Nebraska Act - Essay Example There was a divided interest at this point as there was also strong consideration of territorial implications. Stephen A. Douglas, the proponent of this proposed bill, was highlighting national expansion, but the people were most concerned on the extension of slavery. The Kansas-Nebraska Act is therefore a highly political issue that sparked interest among the people and their rights to express their freedom to take stand concerning the issue. This policy certainly affected the Midwest because it divided the consensus stand on the idea behind national expansion. Instead, people were directed to focus on the critical issue about the extension of slavery. Prior to this, there was already a strong desire to eliminate slavery as clearly stated in Lincoln’s â€Å"House Divided† speech (PBS; Wikipedia). In the absence of consensus effort to be united on one stand, division should be remarkable and this was what Lincoln tried to emphasise in his speech concerning the issue ass ociated with Kansas-Nebraska Act. Lincoln’s â€Å"House Divided† speech Lincoln’s speech was an awakening point which could give further justification needed to obtain national solidarity that was threatened by political elements at that time. In order to make his points clearer, Lincoln tried to reference three of most controversial major governmental policies that for him if the people would not be united, particularly the governing body, there would be disunity and separation of popular interest diverted to personal and not to national assurance. Lincoln tried to emphasize national territory as a primary concern for the alignment of political goal of the nation. At this point, he urged the law-making body as far as legal combination was concerned, and so he believed â€Å"a house divided against itself cannot stand.† He was on the side revealing the point that a government could not remain to stand strong half slave and half free. In line with this, he cited the case of Kansas-Nebraska Act and other major governmental policies that gained popular protests and reactions. So there is therefore a good structure on Lincoln’s speech, which elaborates the need to take stand based on the prevailing reality. Lincoln emphasized the need to consider alarming output of some major governmental policies, which has become the strong basis of his stand to point out the Government could not just eventually take center stage but should need to understand solidarity for national expansion or growth. This makes Lincoln’s speech highly organized with appropriate point and structure, trying to combine persuasive manner in addressing a particular issue. Charles Beecher’s sermon, elements of rhetoric or style Obviously, Beecher’s way of addressing the issue on national policies on slavery was an expansion of text coming from the bible. He remarkably gained his authority and strong voice on the issue with reference to some bi blical text. As part of the development of his sermon, the focus of his application on the chosen biblical text was his own interpretation and stand on the national policies on slavery. This made a powerful combination of obtaining voice and authority in his sermon considering that there could be much more appreciation already placed on the actual issue and on the biblical text. Beecher’s sermon therefore has a specific voice trying to influence popular interest as it was timely and created a specific

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Go Down, Moses and Star Wars on Imperialism and Colonialism Research Paper

Go Down, Moses and Star Wars on Imperialism and Colonialism - Research Paper Example There are striking similarities between colonialism and imperialism though the differences must be examined as well. Colonialism is typically defined as the expansion of power by conquering new lands and gaining control over them. In short, colonialism is a system of direct political, economic, and cultural control by a powerful country over a weaker one. For example, Faulkner’s writings reflect the tensions of the south being dominated by the north. â€Å"In 1875 Mississippi Democrats "resolved to use as much force as was necessary" to regain control of their state government through elections, and their campaign of intimidation, which included the overt killing of blacks, succeeded.† Both groups of stories review multiple generations of imperial rule but also show that regardless of the strength one group has over another, that rule is limited as ultimately human nature is to rebel against absolute domination. Colonialism may go through a series of phases from success to failure. In these stories, the ultimate goal is colonization as one group looks to expand and control another. Though Faulkner’s stories focus more on localized groups and the Star Wars saga presents a quest for a more universal domination, both use methods of imperialism to achieve this end. Though the collection in Go Down, Moses focuses only within one country, it demonstrates the relationship between whites and blacks and then north and south across several generations. This element of time present in both Faulkner and the Star Wars saga not only shows that imperialism cannot last forever, the repetitions throughout each new episode or story leaves the impression that regardless of time or characters, some themes are always the same in history.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Psychological Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Psychological Research Methods - Essay Example The groups will be tested before and after the therapeutic period using a health-related quality-of-life (HRQL) questionnaire designed specifically for this inquiry. The scores of the two groups will be compared and analyzed to determine if, as expected, the experimental group demonstrates a statistically significant improvement in motor impulsivity behavior. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition affecting three to ten percent of school-age children, primarily boys, and up to five percent of adults (Wender, 2000, p. 4). Although there are differing opinions on how to specifically define the condition, as well as the appropriate methods for sorting it out from other associated behavioral disorders, most practitioners agree that if a certain set of behaviors (distraction, fidgeting, excessive talking, etc.) are present in sufficient quantity and severity, the diagnosis is correct (Atkinson & Hornby, 2002, pp. 46-47). The scope of this research will not be to determine the actual presence of ADHD; it will rely on the diagnosis of medical professionals to form the study group. This approach is in line with established protocols, where "regardless of the treatment approach, the diagnosis of ADHD and other co-morbidities first must be established through a standard medical evaluation" (Baumgaertel, 1999, p. 977). This research will, however, seek to test whether a specific alternative treatment (music therapy), when used in conjunction with traditional pharmacological therapy, can attenuate motor impulsivity. The focus of treatment for ADHD is to "decrease symptoms, enhance functionality, and improve well-being for the child and his or her close contacts" (Klassen, et al., 2004, p. 541). The primary methodology for accomplishing this control is the use of pharmacological agents, and it is common knowledge that drugs such as Ritalin are often employed to attenuate the symptoms. In response to a perceived over-prescribing of such medicines by doctors, there has been a rise in alternative therapies that seek to attenuate ADHD behavior through non-pharmacological means; the majority of which are designed to be used in conjunction with medication. For example, a recent study sought to determine if yoga could be used as an alternative method and, although no "strong support" was found, the authors nevertheless concluded that "yoga may have merit as a complementary treatment for boys with ADHD already stabilized on medication" (Jensen & Kenny, 2004, p. 205). It has been suggested that of all the alternative treatments proposed, music may have the best impact, particularly with situational performance in cognitive tasks (Baumgaertel, 1999, p. 980). Others, however, have found that "there is little in the music therapy literature about [treatment] for ADHD," but cite survey results that music therapists are employing a number of different methods in treating children with ADHD (Jackson, 2003, 302). One study has directly addressed the issue of music therapy on the level of motor impulsivity, with mixed results. While "no statistical difference was found between the impact of the contrasting approaches as

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Future of Greece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Future of Greece - Essay Example Interestingly, news articles and public opinion tended to believe that Greece would default and the European Union would be faced with the question of whether to integrate further whether to dissolve entirely. Although this is still very much a reasonable expectation with respect to the outcome of the PIIGS in Europe (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain), a more likely scenario that is been exhibited over the past several years is the fact that the European Union will continue to bankroll the debt of Greece, and country similar to it, as long as the central bank of Europe has the wherewithal to continue bankrolling the liabilities of this small southern European nation. Ultimately, there are only two outcomes can exist for Greece in light of the information that is thus far been presented. Sadly, neither of these outcomes are particularly optimistic. The first outcome is necessarily contingent upon the belief that Greece will ultimately default upon the debt that the European Union has provided it and will be censured by dismissal from the European Union and forced to be something of a satellite state to the European Union; something that is never before happened. Within this particular interpretation of overall likelihood and future potential, Greece would be able to regain control of its currency and either renege upon the debt that it has thus far accrued by printing a massive amount of money, or seeks to honor these engagements through a slow and arduous process of repayment. Within such a framework, the only tangential benefit set out to that would be the sovereignty over its own monetary instruments and the mechanisms through which a Greek central bank could seek to change the fiscal policy and dismal economic Outlook that the nation faces in the immediate and near future. A secondary and equally dismal outcome is that Greece would maintain itself within the European Union and continue to borrow an unsustainable level of cash as a means of funding its operations domestically. Unless the European Union type is debt mechanism and does not allow for Greece to continue to exercise the bailouts that is received over the past several years, this outcome is not only likely but expected. However, the repercussions of such a decision matrix would mean that Greece would not be able to exercise any degree of sovereignty with respect to the way in which it continues to operate its economy. Due to the ever increasing level of regulations that European funding, through the European Central Bank, has impacted upon Greece, nearly each and every economic decision that is made at the national level is not contingent upon the actual decision-makers within the country; rather, it is contingent upon how Brussels views the best interests of Greece through a strategy of debt repatriation Sadly, both of these alternatives necessarily create a situation through which the nation of Greece is at the mercy of an unbelievably high level of national that for a very long period of time. A handful of instances can be recalled that help the reader to understand how such constricting levels of debt can impact upon the overall quality of life, GDP, and expectation for future profitability that the nation might at some point in the future hope to assume. As it stands within the current model, the debt of Greece is something of the sword of Damocles through which the Greek economy can neither escape nor hope to grow. This is not only a dire situation but one that begs the relevant powers

Monday, September 9, 2019

Financial Reporting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Financial Reporting - Essay Example Each major purpose of accounting often requires a different way of presenting or reporting the information in the accounting system. In this scenario, it may be emphasized that it is a vicious circle in that there are managers in organizations who affect accounting and such accounting in turn affects people's behaviour. The impact of accounting reports on the decision making behaviour of business, government and creditors is termed as the 'economic consequences' and the world has seen the worst of such consequences because of the bad reporting as in the case of 'Enron Corporation'. It may also be observed that such external reporting had given rise to the preparation and presentation of consolidated financial and non-financial statements. Several arguments have been flowing around about the very purpose behind the merits and demerits of such consolidated statements. In this context, this paper attempts to draw an overall picture of the position of the consolidated statements in relat ion to decision making by the stakeholders vis--vis the presence of the consolidated statements as a deterrent factor to have a clear understanding of the decision making process. "Management wealth, it is argued, is a function of changes in share prices (via stocks and stock options), and changes in cash bonuses (via compensation plans). Ordinarily, managers are predicted to have greater incentives to lobby for accounting standards that lead to increases in reported earnings and thereby management wealth." (Markus J. Milne) It is more than normal that managers indulge in enhancing the reported earnings to strengthen their positions in the organizations higher echelons. Positive Accounting Theory studies the manager's accounting policy choices as part of the overall process of corporate governance. Under this theory Positive rather than Normative accounting policies are chosen strategically. 3.0 REASONS FOR FIRMS TO ADOPT CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL REPORTING: This part of the paper analyses the various reasons why a firm may decide to resort to consolidated financial reporting. The decision may be partly due to the statuary obligations placed on the firm and partly on the managers' decision to go with the publication of consolidated statements. Statutory Regulations as a reason for publication of consolidated financial statements: Earlier studies (Whittred 1986, 1987, 1988) concluded that the regulations did not have much impact for the firms to resort to consolidated financial statements, whereas the contracting cost variables were the major determinant for publication of consolidated statements. However later it turned out that Regulations did play a major role in compelling the firms to adopt publication of consolidated financial statements. "The introduction of tax legislation permitting the presentation of consolidated returns seems to have been a significant factor in widening the profession's awareness of

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The relationship between China and Taiwan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The relationship between China and Taiwan - Essay Example The relationship has been frosty ever since. First, they disagree on the independence of Taiwan. Taiwan claims to be an independent state while China claims Taiwan is part of it. China has refused to grant Taiwan its independence and recognize its leaders. The people of mainland China insist that there is only a single China and that Taiwan is an indisputable part of it. They refer to the Hong Kong agreement of 1992 where both leaders had a consensus that recognized only one China. Taiwan, however, reject the existence of such an agreement. In 2011, the People’s Republic of China was admitted into the UN general assembly while Taiwan (Republic of China) was expelled. All that was because China refused to acknowledge its statehood. The tension between the two nations has created an ‘arms race’. China has deployed missiles along the Taiwan Strait. Both its amphibious and missile forces capabilities are modernized in preparation of any situation. Every time the Taiwanese inch closer towards independence, they get the backing of the US Neo conservatives. They see china as a potential military rival. Taiwan purchases its weapons from abroad, with the USA being the largest supplier. China has been objecting the sale of weapons by the USA to Taiwan (Council on Foreign Relations). However, despite their differences, the two nations have strong economic ties. Bilateral trade was $102 billion in 2007, up from just $8 billion in 1991 (Council on Foreign Relations). China has and still remains Taiwan’s biggest trading partner and approximately a third of all Taiwan’s export products were sold in China. Taiwanese investments in the mainland china are estimated to be $150 billion since 1998. Their excellent economic elation is boosted by an agreement between the two nations to allow insurers and banks to invest in both markets (Council on Foreign Relations). Taiwan’s president, Ma Ying-jeou, has tried to ease tensions with

Raising the Ante Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Raising the Ante - Case Study Example The cost of reimbursement of women within the firm needs be analysed in relation to the financial situation of the firm. The suffering of these women in relation to gender discrimination is important to be evaluated (Shaw, 419). As a board member within the firm accommodating the views of Ms. Warren would impact on the performance of the firm. Additionally, is considered as being wise for the firm to compensate the employees in terms of salaries for the present discriminations since the board is not accountable for the past discriminations that were levelled to women by a different board. Hence as a board member my decision would be for the firm to make compensations in terms of salaries for the present discrimination of women in the firm (Shaw, 419). In relation to the case study the board members are facing an ethical dilemma. The ethical dilemma involves a conflict between the mental ethics and moral obligations. Discrimination in terms of gender is morally wrong and not accepted globally. Discrimination within the workplace leads to demotivation thereby affecting the productivity of the firm. The ethical issues in the case study relates to unequal treat of workers within the firm. The theory of egoism by Adam Smith is based upon the premise that the goodness or badness of something is founded upon the satisfaction of the needs of individuals. In this case the actions of Ms. Warren can be considered as being right due to the fact that it would bring benefits to herself and other employees in the firm (Shaw, 420). Ms. Warren presentation to the board was based on the impression that the other employees in the firm supported her proposal. However, in real sense that was not the case as other employees in the firm were of the opinion that the readjustment of salaries was unfair and were willing to forget the past and concentrate on the present. Therefore through her false impression that Ms. Warren presented

Saturday, September 7, 2019

European Colonization of the Caribbean Essay Example for Free

European Colonization of the Caribbean Essay The Spanish conquests in the Americas encouraged other European countries to expand their domains in the New World. In the latter half of the 16th century, Portugal conquered Brazil in the hope of upsetting Spain in South America. Between 1690 and 1650, the French, Dutch, and English made unsuccessful attempts to occupy the northern coasts of Brazil and the neighboring islands of St. Kitts and the Leeward Islands. However, with the onset of the Thirty Years War, Spain began to weaken. His colonial possessions in the Caribbean were occupied by the English, French, and the Dutch. Spanish and Portugal Conquests Checked Generally, the arrival of other European countries in the New World (with the thought of conquest) forced Spain and Portugal to limit their conquest. For example, in 1621, the Dutch attacked several Spanish colonies in the Caribbean and succeeded in occupying the islands of Curacao, St. Martin, and Araya. The acquisition of vast mount of gold by the Spaniards in the New World attracted the attention of other powers. To their minds, God does not wish the world to be divided only between Spain and Portugal (Treaty of Tordesillas). They wanted a significant share in the wealth of the Americas. The Political and Economic System in Europe The Thirty Years War (to which Spain was heavily involved) forced Spain to cut expenditures at home and raise taxes and quotas in the Caribbean (Cuba, Puerto Rico). In addition, the Spaniards began to implement the plantation system to increase revenues (to finance her wars in Europe). Trade was limited to Spain and he American colonies. The reason is clear: if trade was opened to other European countries, the prospect of a unidirectional prosperity would be prevented (other nations would benefit from the trade). This system is called the ‘mercantilist system. ’ Impact of Mercantilism in the Caribbean and the Outcome Precious metals (gold, silver) became the basis of the mercantilist system. It served as the medium of exchange between the colonies and the mother country. Mines were established all throughout the Caribbean in order to maintain the flow of metals to the mother country. To fasten the procurement of precious metals, the Spaniards (and other Europeans) utilize slave labor (African slaves). In some sense, Spanish wealth (based on precious metals and product quotas) was essentially created by slave labor (which was very oppressive and unchristian). The wealth Spain accumulated from the New World also attracted the attention of pirates. They were of two types: buccaneer and marooner. Buccaneer is a group of pirates that had bases in the Caribbean (in a sense, they were considered the most powerful type of pirate). Marooner is a generic term applied to Spaniards who deserted the Spanish Navy to harass Spanish shipping lines in the Caribbean. The Caribbean Society and European Influences Caribbean society was modeled after European society. Some of the influences are as follows: 1) adoption of Catholicism as the main religion (in the case of Spain), 2) Baroque and Gothic architecture, 3) European city planning, and 4) the plantation system. At the top of the plantation system was the landowner. The manager (usually a relative of the owner) was in the middle position. At the bottom were the slaves and the serfs (local population serving in the plantation). The slaves were often treated harshly by the Europeans. They perceived them as members of an inferior race destined to serve white men’s greed. The same case (though not as oppressive as that of slaves) could be said about women. Women were confined to households, serving their masters with much dedication (by force) as that of serfs. Racial Hierarchy in the Caribbean Race played an important role in Caribbean society. Race served as the determining factor of administration; a form of societal control. The Europeans were at the top of the racial hierarchy. At the bottom were the slaves, the local population, and Chinese traders (which were seen with contempt by the Europeans). The European themselves were racially categorized. The peninsulares were Europeans born in their mother countries. The insulares were pure Europeans born in the colonies. The mestizos were of European and Indian descent. Women played a minor role in Caribbean society. They were confined to household chores (like cooking and child rearing). Maroonage strained Spain’s resources in the New World. The revenues derived by Spain from plantations (the same case with other Europeans) were taken by the maroons (on the way to Spain). The oppressive policies of the Spaniards in Cuba led to the Ten Years War. The slaves and the local population rose in arms against Spanish rule. Reference Toynbee, Arnold. 1989. History of the World. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Definition of Politics Essay Example for Free

Definition of Politics Essay The art and science of government; dealing with the form, organisation and administration of a state or part of one, and of the regulation of its relations with other statespolitical [means] belonging to or pertaining to the state, its government and policy. Oxford English Dictionary. There are two types of political systems, the Centralised political system, and the Decentralised political system. The centralised political system is a means to run the country under central control, with no local authorities creating rules and regulations for a specific area, an example of this is the former Soviet Union, or modern China. This ruling is known as communism. Sports in communist countries are controlled in the same way as any other social agencies, such as education. Sport was used for boosting morale, production, and effectiveness of the military and to provide a successful image for their regime around the world. The athletes of the communist bloc regimes dominated world sport for many years until the cold war ended. A decentralised political system is one where the administration of government is re-organised into smaller autonomous units such as local authorities in the UK and individual states in the USA. Each area decides its own policies on sport provision and effectiveness of sport in schools. Many sports people see sport as a means of escaping every day life, which is controlled by the government and do not which to see sport controlled except by their own governing, bodies e.g. IOC, FIFA. However, government influence cannot be avoided in some circumstances. Sport has been used for government propaganda purposes, for example the Nazi propaganda in the 1936 Olympic Games, which Hitler used to promote his Nazi ideals. In Russia, the government insisted that a fitness campaign called Ready for labour and defence was compulsory for all its citizens and was still operational in the latter half of the 20th century. In our own country, following heavy losses in the Boer war, it was felt that the military was not fit enough and so compulsory fitness exercises was instigated in all state schools in the early 20th century to improve the fitness of the working class. More recently, we can see how politics and sport cannot be separated when the English cricket team pulled out of a group match due to political unrest between Zimbabwe and England. Sport can be used to introduce or reinforce social harmony. By introducing good sporting facilities into areas that have suffered unrest, the government hopes to lure youths to use the facilities wisely in their spare time rather than be involved in anti-social behaviour. The governments Education Act of 1988 affected the provision of sport in schools. The conservative government wanted more control over the teaching of physical education in schools and produced a report called Raising the game.  In reality, sport needs politics as much as politics needs sport. For example, the government can provide finance and locations to stage major sporting events such as the Olympics and the World Cup. In return, sporting teams who perform well promote a country to the rest of the world, and raises national pride. All beneficial to any government. Drugs have been used throughout history, since the time of the Greeks and Romans who took substances to improve their performance and so it is not a modern problem. However, drug use in modern sport has become more widespread, and is now shown to be a problem across all the sports and in both genders, at both amateur and professional levels. An increase in drug use came about through various factors such as advances in biology and medicine, the use of drugs in WW2, the development, and availability of testosterone steroids and growth hormones in the 1950s. Weight trainers saw the potential of these drugs and used them to their own advantage and other athletes were able to see the potential of using drugs to improve their own play e.g. snooker players used beta-blockers to steady nerves.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Pay Roll System Project Proposal Computer Science Essay

Pay Roll System Project Proposal Computer Science Essay Visual Basic was one of the first languages along with Paradox and Dbase designed to take advantage of GUI interfaces with visual programming in mind. We can build the menus, forms and reports of a program by visual drag and drop operations. Then complete the coding by filling in the skeleton programs developed during prototyping of the programs interface. Coding VB pioneered the use of standard 3rd party components such as VBX and now ActiveX. 6 8.2 Java 6 1 TITLE Payroll system 2 CUSTOMER SMITH News Agent, Watford. 3 BACKGROUND/OVERVIEW In Smith news agent, they are doing paper work calculation for employees monthly salary. And they are maintaining all employees details and salary details in paper works. They have to keep all details for long time for shop purpose. It takes long time to do all employees salary calculation. To solve the entire problem I decide to develop a system for payroll. All data are going to store in a database and all calculation is going to calculate by system. 4 MAIN FUNCTIONS OF THE SYSTEM In the system, Manager or Assistant Manager can login as an administrator. They can add employee details like First Name, Last Name, Address, Phone No, NI number, Bank Details, Tax Code, etc. For salary calculation they can enter employees working hours for that month. If they want they can add bonus also. Automatically the system will calculate the salary and it will generate the reports. Administrator can view and print the reports and details and if they want they can delete the employees details. 5 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM In Tax Code, there are two type of Tax Code in using. Those are: 5.1 Tax Codes end with a letter This Tax Code is made up of several numbers and a letter. This type of Tax Code is called Suffix codes. For example: 647L, 375K, etc (paypershop, nd). 5.2 Other Tax Codes This Tax Code has two letters. There is no Number or is the letter D followed by a Zero For example: BR, D0, and NT (direct, nd). In payment type, they are paying regular hours, bank holiday hours and holiday hours. They are not paying for sick hours. 6 SOLUTIONS FOR PROBLEM STATEMENT For Tax Code problem, I am going to use second type of Tax Code method (Other Tax Codes). For payment type problem, I am going to add a column called Pay Type. When they enter working hours they can select what type of working hours. For example: REG Regular BH Bank Holiday SICK Sickness Hours 7 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 7.1 AIMS The main aim of the project is to develop a system to store employees all details and working hours. The system has to calculate the payment and tax. The system also generates the reports. 7.2 OBJECTIVES To understand the current system I went to Smith news agent (my customer) store and met the manager. I collected the details about how they are doing current salary calculation and how they are keeping are records. It is unstructured interviews. To study a similar system I went to Dowson house hotel and met the manager. I got some details about how their current system working, how they are calculating the payment and tax and how they are storing their employees detail. To study about Unified Modelling Language(UML) It is help to create the logical design of the System. For e.g. Activity diagram, Use case diagram, Class diagram. To study about programming languages Java, Visual Basic.Net To study database applications Oracle, Mysql Design the system Testing and implementation Test the system and make sure it works according to the customers requirements, which includes verification and validation. Install the developed system in store. And train the manager and assistant manager. Get feedback from the manager and assistant manager. Make any change if they want changes or new features. 8 Literature review 8.1 Visual Basic.Net Visual Basic was one of the first languages along with Paradox and Dbase designed to take advantage of GUI interfaces with visual programming in mind. We can build the menus, forms and reports of a program by visual drag and drop operations. Then complete the coding by filling in the skeleton programs developed during prototyping of the programs interface. Coding VB pioneered the use of standard 3rd party components such as VBX and now ActiveX. Now, VB.NET has many new and improved language features. The .NET framework comes with ADO.NET, which follows the disconnected paradigm, i.e. once the required records are fetched the connection no longer exists. Error handling has changed in VB.NET. A new Try-Catch-Finally block has been introduced to handle errors and exceptions as a unit, allowing appropriate action to be taken at the place the error occurred thus discouraging the use of ON ERROR GOTO statement. Security has become more robust in VB.NET. In addition to the role-based security in VB6, VB.NET comes with a new security model, Code Access security (David, Chittibabu 2004). 8.2 Java Java was designed to be easy to use. Therefore it is easy to write, compile, debug, and learn than other programming languages. Java is object-oriented because programming in Java is cantered on creating objects, manipulating objects, and making objects work together. This allows you to create modular programs and reusable code. One of the most significant advantages of Java is its ability to move easily from one computer system to another. The ability to run the same program on many different systems is crucial to World Wide Web software, and Java succeeds at this by being platform-independent at both the source and binary levels. Java is one of the first programming languages to consider security as part of its design. The Java language, compiler, interpreter, and runtime environment were each developed with security in mind. In Java, multithreaded programming has been smoothly integrated into it, while in other languages, operating system-specific procedures have to be called in order to enable multithreading. Multithreading is a necessity in visual and network programming (Herbert 2007). 8.3 My Front End GUI After a lot of research I was decided to use VB.Net for my front end GUI. There are some good features in VB.Net. For example, we can build the menus, forms and reports of a program by visual drag and drop operations. Then we have to complete the coding. Like these there are lot of features. Why I did not chose the java? There are lot drawbacks. Java language programs runs on a virtual machine. Therefore it runs slowly and it takes more memory-consuming. In java, No separation of specification from implementation and No preconditions and post conditions. And Exceptions not caught within a method must be declared as thrown by that method. The default look and feel of GUI applications written in Java using the Swing toolkit is very different from native applications. 8.4 ORACLE (PL/SQL) Oracle is the No 1 database and has the most advanced feature set. Oracle is made up of a set of processes running in our operating system. Oracle database system has the following properties: Atomicity: That is Results of a transactions execution are either all committed or all rolled back. Consistency: The database is transformed from one valid state to another valid state. Illegal transactions arent allowed and, if an integrity constraint cant be satisfied then the transaction is rolled back. Isolation: The results of a transaction are invisible to other transactions until the transaction is complete thus increasing the security on data. Durability: Once committed (completed), the results of a transaction are permanent and survive future system and media failures and thus ensuring maintenance and protection of data (Steven, Bill 2005). We are using PL/SQL (procedural SQL) language to use the Oracle. With PL/SQL, we can use SQL statements to manipulate Oracle data and flow-of-control statements to process the data. Moreover, we can declare constants and variables, define procedures and functions, and trap runtime errors. PL/SQL is a block-structured language. A PL/SQL block has three parts: a declarative part, an executable part, and an exception-handling part (In PL/SQL, a warning or error condition is called an exception). 8.5 MySQL MySQL is open source Relational DataBase Management System (RDBMS). It is using Structured Query Language (SQL). The Mysql has lot of advantages. It is available on many different operating systems. We can use in different platform. It is free to use for personal, private, or development use. It is using Indexes like primary key index and unique index to avoid duplicate row data. We have the opportunity to optimize searching against even large amounts of text located in any field indexed as such. 8.6 My Back End I decided to use Oracle (PL/SQL) to use back end. In oracle, lot of advantages are there. PL/SQL makes it easy to detect and process predefined and user-defined error conditions called exceptions. Anonymous PL/SQL blocks can be embedded in an Oracle Pre-compiler. And one of the main advantages is recent version (10g) oracle has the concept of Flashback technology. Flashback provides an Efficient recovery from human errors Faster database recovery Helps in simplifying the management and administration processes Why I was rejected the MySQL? There are some drawbacks. The indexes take up disk space. Normally the space usage is not significant, but because of creating index on every column in every possible combination, the index file would grow much more quickly than the data file. In the case when a table is of large table size, the index file could reach the operating systems maximum file size. The indexes slow down the speed of writing queries, such as INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. Because MySQL has to internally maintain the pointers to the inserted rows in the actual data file.